more impactful conversations

CLIENT Canon New Zealand
Leadership Development, Sales Strategy, Sales Training
OUTCOME Grew revenue in a declining market segment two years in a row

“Although we had a great team and a great culture, a few team members were new to their roles and needed extra guidance and support. Being new to the National Sales Manager role myself I also needed some guidance around leading our team, especially in the very disrupted COVID-19 environment. So we reached out to Mark to help us out.

Mark helped us take a strategic approach to our roles by setting goals and developing our game plans. As a result, the whole team has become a lot more proactive, productive and much better at time management.The quality of our presentations has also significantly improved across the team and we are having a lot more impactful conversations with our clients.

The training courses that we have done in the past tended to bomb us with a lot of information over one or two days, but the information was quickly lost. Mark’s approach ensured that we were kept accountable, gave things a go and kept things going. Which is why the programme was a success.

If you are thinking about getting Mark’s help, definitely do it. Both high achievers and people new to the role will benefit massively. We have run the programme now for two years in a row and we wouldn’t do it again if the team didn’t get great value.”

Rebecca Barrow // National Sales Manager - Consumer Imaging & Services // Canon New Zealand